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2118. Build the Equation
is either "+" or "-".
is the absolute value of the factor.
is the value of the power.
If the power is 1, do not add "^".
For example, if power = 1 and factor = 3, the term will be "+3X".
If the power is 0, add neither "X" nor "^".
For example, if power = 0 and factor = -3, the term will be "-3".
The powers in the LHS should be sorted in descending order.
Write an SQL query to build the equation.
The query result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
Terms table:
| power | factor |
| 2 | 1 |
| 1 | -4 |
| 0 | 2 |
| equation |
| +1X^2-4X+2=0 |
Example 2:
Terms table:
| power | factor |
| 4 | -4 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 1 | -1 |
| equation |
| -4X^4+1X^2-1X=0 |
## Code
concat(group_concat(term order by power desc separator ''), '=0') as equation
from (
CONCAT(case when factor > 0 then '+' else '' end,
case when power = 0 then '' else 'X' end,
case when power = 0 or power = 1 then '' else '^' end,
case when power = 0 or power = 1 then '' else power end
) term,
order by power desc) t;
Table: Terms
| Column Name | Type |
| power | int |
| factor | int |
power is the primary key column for this table.
Each row of this table contains information about one term of the equation.
power is an integer in the range [0, 100].
factor is an integer in the range [-100, 100] and cannot be zero.
You have a very powerful program that can solve any equation of one variable in the world. The equation passed to the program must be formatted as follows:
The left-hand side (LHS) should contain all the terms.
The right-hand side (RHS) should be zero.
Each term of the LHS should follow the format “
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