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2339. All the Matches of the League
Table: Teams
| Column Name | Type |
| team_name | varchar |
team_name is the primary key of this table.
Each row of this table shows the name of a team.
Write an SQL query that reports all the possible matches of the league. Note that every two teams play two matches with each other, with one team being the home_team once and the other time being the away_team.
Return the result table in any order.
The query result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
Teams table:
| team_name |
| Leetcode FC |
| Ahly SC |
| Real Madrid |
| home_team | away_team |
| Real Madrid | Leetcode FC |
| Real Madrid | Ahly SC |
| Leetcode FC | Real Madrid |
| Leetcode FC | Ahly SC |
| Ahly SC | Real Madrid |
| Ahly SC | Leetcode FC |
Explanation: All the matches of the league are shown in the table.
SELECT a.team_name home_team, b.team_name away_team
FROM Teams a JOIN Teams b
ON a.team_name != b.team_name;
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