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Table: Follow

| Column Name | Type    |
| followee    | varchar |
| follower    | varchar |
(followee, follower) is the primary key column for this table.
Each row of this table indicates that the user follower follows the user followee on a social network.
There will not be a user following themself.

A second-degree follower is a user who:

follows at least one user, and is followed by at least one user. Write an SQL query to report the second-degree users and the number of their followers.

Return the result table ordered by follower in alphabetical order.

The query result format is in the following example.

Example 1:

Follow table:
| followee | follower |
| Alice    | Bob      |
| Bob      | Cena     |
| Bob      | Donald   |
| Donald   | Edward   |
| follower | num |
| Bob      | 2   |
| Donald   | 1   |
User Bob has 2 followers. Bob is a second-degree follower because he follows Alice, so we include him in the result table.
User Donald has 1 follower. Donald is a second-degree follower because he follows Bob, so we include him in the result table.
User Alice has 1 follower. Alice is not a second-degree follower because she does not follow anyone, so we don not include her in the result table.


select distinct follower, num
from follow, 
(select followee, count(distinct follower) as num from follow 
group by followee) as t
where follower = t.followee
order by follower;